Welcome back!

Following the announcement and guidance from UKA and RunBritain, we are excited to welcome you back to our live events when it is deemed safe.

In order to ensure that our events are Covid-19 secure, we will be implementing new safety measures. These measures will vary across different events, but the themes will remain the same until the guidance changes. These are some of the key measures that we have planned.

1.  Minimising Contact Points

Common contact points including registration, bag storage and water stations will be adapted to ensure that they can operate safely. This means that there might not be a bag storage facility at some events. You are encouraged to take care of your own hydration as much as possible, to minimise contact at water stations.

2.  Online Race Briefings

All race information will be sent out in advance of race day to avoid the gathering of large groups. A race briefing may be conducted online.

3.  Code of Conduct

We will be implementing a participant and spectator code of conduct, as set out by UKA. If and when these guidelines change, we will let our participants know.
Participant Code of Conduct 
Spectator Code of Conduct